Issue installing System to Subsystem add-on

Hi, I am using Capella 5.2.0 and trying to install the System to Subsystem add-on as a dropin I get the following Error Log:

Checking the Capella installation details (Help->About Capella->Installation Details), I can see ‘Capella transition System to SubSystem’ as installed.
But working on a logic component, the contextual menu ‘System to SubSytem transition’ is not shown.

The steps followed during installation were the following:

  1. Download capella-sss-transition-1.5.3
  2. Uncompress capella-sss-transition-1.5.3 in C:\Program Files\Capella\capella-\capella\dropins
  3. Add the following line at the end of the capella.ini file:\Program Files\Capella\capella-\capella\dropins
  4. Execute capella.exe -clean from Windows cmd console

Please, could you help me with this?
Thanks in advance!


To install via dropins, just unzip the dropins zip v1.5.3 · eclipse/capella-sss-transition in the dropins folder of the capella installation.

Once unzip, just ensure have the structure below and it shall be ok.
capella/dropins/SubsystemTransition/… (not something like capella/dropins/SubsystemTransition-dropins-… )

I think the first errors are because of an attempt to install the addons from the source code of the addon (Probably from download as zip and not the release packaging (from Releases)

The latest errors in your error logs are corresponding to some attempts to install the dropins using the Help > Install New Software menu.
In Preferences, you can remove it from Install/Update > Available Software Site, as the dropin can’t be installed using this menu.

I think that the added parameter is not necessary\Program Files\Capella\capella-\capella\dropins, (unless you launch another capella.exe than the one located into C:\Program Files\Capella\capella-\capella). This is useful if the dropin folder is located into another location than the capella folder one.


Hi Philippe,

This solves my issue. I had downloaded the zipped source code file (red-highlighted in the figure) instead of the dropin (green-highlighted):

Thanks a lot!