Inheritance of extensions and capella explorer menu provider

i’m creating an extension infrastructure for multiphysic. This infrastructure is based on an extension of FunctionalExchange to create a generic extension, some kind of Abstract.
Data {
Class PhysicalFunctionalExchange {
extends fa.FunctionalExchange
Then, for each physical extension, I’m create a new extension, derivating from the abstract one. I have 4 physics, here is the Heat Physic declaration.
Data {
Class HeatData {
flux type ecore.EDouble
Class HeatFunctionalExchange {
extends fa.FunctionalExchange
superClass external multiphysics.PhysicalFunctionalChain, HeatData
3 other data definitions exists, based on the same pattern, and are about Fluid, Electrivity and Automation.
But I have a problem with my capella explorer menu contribution :

  • The First level of extension, I consider as an abstract class, appears. How can I remove it ?
  • from all my physical extension, only one is effectively accessible. How can I autorize the creation of my four leaf extensions ?
    Best Regards,

Can you show the generated .ecore model/models? I’m unable to mentally process vpdsl data texts

Yes, of course (note I corrected an invalid inheritance between HeatExchange and Functional Chain, but no difference on the resulting menu).