How to filter/hide Functionnal Chains?


On my PAB I am displaying several functional chains. However, some are overlapping so I would like to hide some functional chain to make the PAB clearer.
I tried to select the functional chain legend and then to click on “hide” but it only hides the legend and not the FC.

In addition, if I succeed to hide some FC and I want to generate a HTML export with several PAB view for each of my FC, what would you suggest me to do ? Clone my PAB several times for each FC to display ?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hi Alex,

About showing/hiding some functional chains on your diagrams, there is an “Insert/remove functional chains” tool for that in the Palette, in the Functions section. It opens a panel where you can select the functional chains you want to be on your diagram, as for other item types.

In your HTML export, if you want to have a PAB for each FC, the only way I can think of is by doing as you say and cloning the PAB, because, as far as I know, diagrams cannot be edited anymore once exported in HTML. But maybe someone will be able to complete/correct me on that.

All the best,

ObeoSoft Canada Inc.


Hello Martin,

Thank you for your answer, it works ! In addition I have another question : is it possible to change the thickness of all the functional chains quickly ? I tried several things but I never succeeded.

Thanks in advance

Hi Alex,

I’m glad I could help you.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, you can change the color of a functional chain, and it might also be possible to change the thickness of functional exchanges individually (I am not sure of that, though), but I don’t think it is possible to change the thickness of arrows for a whole functional chain at once. Or, at least, I am not aware of any way to do it.
But maybe someone out there will be able to correct me…

Best regards,

ObeoSoft Canada Inc.

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That would be technically possible but would require specific development.


I had a trouble following the instructions on how to remove the highlighted functional chains: I could not find the “insert/remove functional chains” that was suggested by the previous post.

On Capella 6.1 I had to click on “Functional Chains” in the Functions Palette (see graphic below) and transfer the functional chain from the right panel to the left panel (Maybe that is what the previous post meant.


Not sure what your question is, but just to clarify, there are 2 aspects:

  • creating Functional chains (Select functional exchanges on a diagram and then right click to create a functional chain)
  • displaying/hiding existing functional chains on a diagram (using the Functional Chains tool on the palette)
