Custom viewpoint not working in Capella

I’ve created a viewpoint in Capella Studio, tested it in a runtime instance and (as everything was working fine), packaged it to deploy it in Capella. The generated folder has been copy-pasted in dropin folder. In Capella Installation details, the plugin in installed but my viewpoint does not appear in the viewpoints list of the corresponding view.
I’ve tested in Capella Studio (i.e. same procedure with the dropin) and it works. Obviously, I’ve used a different workspace to avoid using the workspace version of the viewpoint.
Any idea about a solution? I had similar problems with custom validation rules but finally found a solution: the version of Java had to be 1.7.
Thank you for your help!

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Found the solution: A JavaSE-1.8 remaining in the generated projects.
Hope it can help someone else!

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Hello Quentin,
I have the exact same problem. I’ve created several viewpoints with capella studio and they work perfectly when I run the session with Capella Studio. But when I package them and copy the folder in the droppins it doesn’t work.
Did you find the solution ?
Best regards,

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I’ve got the same problem
I uninstalled java 1.8 from my computer and I installed 1.7 but it remains the same…
@Quentin: What version of Java are you using ?

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I always advise against using the dropins mechanism: You will not see any plugin dependency or initialisation errors. Your addons will simply “not work/show up” in case of such an error. You should create a p2 repo (update site) for your addon and properly install it with Help->Install New Software. Either this will fail with an error that we can look at, or it will install fine. In that case, you should also always check the error log (Window->Show View->Error Log)

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Concerning the Viewpoints packaging, I compared the pluggins generated for one of the VPs I developed with the pluggings of the basic viewpoints that are available on Polarsys website. It turned out that some pluggins are missing in my packaged VP.
Best regards,

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