Copy data and diagrams between 2 Capella Projects


My question is related to the copy /paste a diagram and its data from a model to another.
Capella functionality used: Compare with > Each other as models > Transfer of elements between models created independently >
Observation done with Capella v1.3.1.

1st case:
I have done a copy of a diagram from a source model to a target model with the DIFF/MERGE between 2 .aird files of my source/target projects.
I have then noticed several bugs when modifying afterwards the diagram and its associated data in the target model.
In particular

  • decomposition/modifications of copied model elements are not properly managed in the target Capella model. For example, the renaming of a copied element is visible in the database, but not in the diagram.
  • Creation of new contextual breakdown diagram xCBD or xFBD on the copied elements is not possible.

2nd case:
I have done a copy of data of a diagram from a source model to a target model with the DIFF/MERGE between 2 .mellodymodeler files.
I have then created a new xAB diag in the target model, displayed on the diagram the copied data from the source model, and copy paste the layout from the diagram of the source project to the new diagram of the target projet.
The result is fine, and later modification / decomposition of elements are well managed.

Case 1 allows the copy/paste of diagrams while the case2 doesn’t, but case 1 leads to erroneous behavior on the data and diagrams handling.

So, my question are:

  • In term of data/database management, what is the difference between:
  • Copy data from a Capella project to another using “Compare with” bewteen 2 .aird (case 1)
  • Copy data from a Capella project to another using “Compare with” bewteen 2 .mellodymodeler (case 2)
  • What is the best way to copy /paste a diagram and its data from a model to another?