Manage and describe Requirements

is it possible to manage and have a description of requirements imported via Requirement VP, something like Management and Description Tabs in Function Properties or others.
It could be interesting to edit a progress statut of a requirement and to document it.
thank you for your answer
Best regards

Hi David,
I am not sure that I got 100% of your question but let’s say that what you’re looking for is a way to enter additional information regarding the requirements you imported (let say a progress status).
If Requirements were Capella regular objects, one option would be to use the “Progress Monitoring” capabilities of Capella (Right-click on an element and select “Progress Monitoring”), among other possible solutions.
For Requirements, it is a little bit different since these objects are coming with the Requirements Viewpoint. Nevertheless, you can create your own Requirement Types, and add properties to them, these can be string properties for a status description for instance, or en enumeration property for the status itself.
Creating Requirements Types and Attributes is not very well documented, let me know if you’re not able to do it, please start by having a look at Help->Requirements ViewPoint Guide -> Users’s guide -> Edition of Requirements
I hope this helps.

Hi Stephane,
Many thanks for your precious advice. I use Requirements VP with requirements imported via ReqIF format.
Creating Requirements Types and Attributes is touchy but it is working.
an additional question please: how to edit Requirements Types and Attributes with M2DOC (which eclass called?)

Hi David,
This thread should help:

Hi Stephane,
Sorry but the sequence doesn’t work.
I write
m:for ext | self.containedSystemAnalysis.eAllContents()->filter(Requirements::Requirement)
m:for attr | ext.ownedAttributes-> select(oclIsTypeOf(Requirements::StringValueAttribute)).oclA sType(Requirements::StringValueAttribute)

and it returns
<—Empty collection: expression in a select must return a boolean <—Couldn’t find the ‘aqlFeatureAccess(Nothing(expression in a select must return a boolean),java.lang.String)’ service <— The iteration variable types must be collections ([Nothing(Couldn’t find the ‘aqlFeatureAccess(Nothing(expression in a select must return a boolean),java.lang.String)’ service)])
however, in the syrius interpreter it is a boolean?
can you help me?

I have asked the team, you can have a look at this thread as well but I am not sure it will help

Hi Stephane,
I think I found the answer. Here is the sequences for string attributes, enumeration attributes and boolean attributes if it can be usefull…:
{m:for REQ3 | self.containedSystemAnalysis.eAllContents() ->filter(Requirements::Requirement)}
{m:if REQ3.ownedAttributes ->filter(Requirements::StringValueAttribute) <> null}
{m:for REQ4 |REQ3.ownedAttributes ->filter(Requirements::StringValueAttribute)}
{m:REQ4.definition.ReqIFLongName} -> {m:REQ4.value}
{m:endif }
{m:if REQ3.ownedAttributes->filter(Requirements::EnumerationValueAttribute) <> null}
{m:for REQ4 | REQ3.ownedAttributes->filter(Requirements::EnumerationValueAttribute)}
{m:REQ4.definition.ReqIFLongName} --> {m: REQ4.values.ReqIFLongName}
{m:if REQ3.ownedAttributes ->filter(Requirements::BooleanValueAttribute) <> null}
{m:for REQ4 |REQ3.ownedAttributes ->filter(Requirements::BooleanValueAttribute)}
{m:REQ4.definition.ReqIFLongName} --> {m:REQ4.value}

Great !! Thanks for sharing.